Cambridge english exams online preparation, free practise test, exercises and video lessons. Cambridge b2 first fce speaking test one studying eating out. Check that all test materials have been replaced in the file. Further practicefurther practice now ask and answer questions about the job you would like to do when you leave school, such as what extra training you need, what the job involves, why you want the job, if its difficult to get the job, which school subjects will be most useful to you, etc. Official b2 first for schools fce s certificate by.
Adventure sports worksheet teachers notes warmup 10 minutes give out the worksheet and ask students to match the pictures to the names of the adventure sports. Download cambridge speaking test preparation pack for. Cambridge fce speaking sample test 1 cambridge practice tests. Each worksheet contains a full example of a speaking section, with parts one, two, three and four. A modified cloze test containing 12 gaps and followed by 12 fouroption multiplechoice items. First speaking sample test with examiners comments cambridge. First, the examiner will describe a situation to you and your partner, and heshe will offer you different options to discuss. Nov 28, 2019 in a different article, i have already told you about the b2 fce speaking test official called b2 first fce, by the way.
Picture pairs with questions to help students practice for speaking part of fce exam can also be used as extra speaking practice for any. Complete first is the most thorough preparation for b2 first. How can you avoid getting ill when the weather is bad. Four authentic cambridge assessment english examination papers for the b2 first exam. The examiner will ask you questions individually and you need to. For extra speaking help speaking at fce with free pdf mock exam. The speaking test is the same for both academic and general training tests. Heres a list of questions from past first certificate exams, cambridge textbooks, and so on. Access cambridge fce speaking sample test 1 here to help you prepare and succeed in the cambridge cae exam.
This article lists 91 questions that you might be asked in part 1 of the cambridge english. As you probably know already, the speaking b2 first fce comprises 4 parts, but in this post, i will focus on the part 1 of the fce speaking test, providing a more indepth description as well as examples of tasks and answers. Sep 25, 20 here is a list of about 50 questions most of which have been used in fce exams in the last 10 years. The cambridge b2 speaking exam lasts for 1214 minutes and consists of 4 parts. Formal and informal english politeness or colloquial language future continuous tense. Practise the full first certificate speaking exam with our speaking packs. Check out how to do b2 first fce speaking part 1 with a list of sample questions and answers with dos and donts. Future perfect simple and continuous progressive tense.
Cambridge fce sample tests cambridge exam practice tests. It means, for example, that refrigerators will no longer whine, vacuum cleaners no longer roar. Write your name, centre number and candidate number. B2 first first certificate in english examination speaking esl. Throughout the test candidates are assessed on their own individual. Speaking test part 1 common questions and sample answers. Cambridge fce speaking sample test 1 cambridge practice. A student will take the speaking test with one or two other candidates. Part 1 a conversation between the examiner and each candidate spoken questions. Both exams lead to the same internationally recognised certificate. This is the second of four videos about the speaking test of the fce exam now called the b2 first exam. Cambridge first fce speaking sample tests breakout. The content and topics in b2 first for schools fce s have been particularly targeted at the interests and experience of schoolage learners. Candidates are expected to be able to respond to questions and to interact in conversational english.
How to succeed in b2 first fce speaking part 3 kse. Fce first certificate in english speaking test fullvideo duration. Written by experienced examiners, it includes student worksheets with teachers notes, two sets of candidate visuals for speaking test practice in class, and. Answer sheet 1 hour time instructions to candidates do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Free ielts speaking practice tests ielts essentials from idp. Cambridge speaking test preparation pack for ielts is a comprehensive teacher resource pack from cambridge esol to help teachers who are preparing students to take the ielts speaking test. The stems of the missing words are given beside the text and must be changed to form the missing word. Cambridge first fce speaking sample tests breakout english. First speaking sample test with examiners comments. These sample tests will help you monitor your progress across core skills of reading, writing, speaking and the use of english to prepare you for success. Reading fce practice exam journeys b2 teachers resource pack part 2 a swimmers have even been known to be joined by whales. Part 2open cloze a modified cloze test containing 12 gaps. An example of the ielts speaking topics part 1 2 3 pdf. To get a good mark, candidates need to avoid one word responses and extend.
You should also check out the youtube channel if you havent already done so. How to succeed in b2 first fce speaking part 3 kse academy. Practice speaking for one minute in english to see what it feels like. C they end up swimming in packs which can be quite a tangle of arms and legs when they turn at the buoys. B2 first can be taken as either a paperbased or a computerbased exam.
Learning with mistakes is part of the learning process and completely natural, we need classes that develop the courage to commit errors hattie 2009, p. The sample tests are designed to be exactly the same style, format and level as the real exam in order to get the best practice possible. What the examiner says is shown in italics speaking part one. This includes comments on the student performances in this video, and information on the format of the speaking test and how it is assessed. Second, after the brief discussion, you and your partner will have to decide on the best option for the situation proposed in the first part of the discussion. You usually take the speaking exam together with one other student. Page 1 ucles 2008 fce speaking sample test first certificate in english speaking test part 1 3 minutes sample test materials the examiner who speaks to you the interlocutor uses the following script. First, also known as first certificate in english fce.
If any of you are teaching fce first certificate, you will need to give your learners lots of exam training practice. For details, please check with the british council shop. B2 first speaking test from 2015 victoria and edward. Contents paper 1 reading 3 paper 2 writing 9 paper 3 use of english 11 paper 4 listening 16 paper 5 speaking 21 answer key and recording scripts 22 paper 5 examiners script 33 paper 5 visual materials 38 acknowledgements 41. Preparation materials and sample papers british council. This document will help you familiar ise yourself with the speaking test for cambridge english. Fce speaking exam practice jobsjobsjobs look at pictures a and b and describe the jobs the two petwo people are doing ople are doingople are doing. English esl fce speaking worksheets most downloaded 20. A set of past papers is available in our british council shop.
This article is a collection of answers from real students to commonly asked cae speaking test part 1 questions hopefully it will give you some useful ideas about what to say, how much to say, and how to say it. But in this post i will focus more specifically in fce speaking part 3, and i will give a detailed description of this part, which is very popular, just like i did with part 1 and part 2. What is the best way to unwind when you feel stressed. Speaking sample task part 1 prompt pdf, 21kb speaking sample task part 1 recording mp3, 631kb speaking sample task part 1 transcript pdf, 12kb speaking sample task part 2 prompt pdf, 20kb speaking sample task part 2 recording.
Fce speaking b2 first certificate cambridge english exam 4. How to prepare for your b2 first speaking test duration. B2 first is aimed at learners who need to show they can. Fce speaking b2 first certificate cambridge english exam. First trainer 2 includes six full practice tests plus easytofollow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. Dont memorise answers it will give a bad impression.
Longturn sample this part of the exam tests your ability to speak at length coherently, use language to describe, compare and contrast and comment upon a topic. Gain test practice here to help you succeed in your cambridge fce exam, so you can live and work independently in australia. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there. Breakout english offers 5 complete advanced cae speaking tests for 1. B2 first fce formerly known as the first certificate, is the most widely taken exam cambridge english exam in switzerland. This page describes the oral speaking exam for the cambridge fce first certificate in english exam. Practise the full advanced speaking exam with our speaking packs. Ive also written sample answers, because im an amazing person. Fcepart1questionspdf 1 fce speaking exam part 1 interview questions. Nov 26, 2019 check out how to do b2 first fce speaking part 1 with a list of sample questions and answers with dos and donts.
Speaking with free pdf mock exam b2 first cambridge exam. University of cambridge first certificate in english fce. The cambridge first speaking test takes 14 minutes. Study for oral exam speaking test of cambridge fce exam. Practise the cambridge first fce speaking test with these quality materials. This part of the test comprises 1 discussion divided into 2 parts.
B2 first fce and b2 first for schools fce s follow exactly the same format and the level of the question papers is identical. Complete speaking sample with explanations transcript. In part 4 of the test, which lasts about 4 minutes, the examiner will join both candidates in a discussion about the general topic that appeared in part 3. First certificate in english paper 1 reading sample paper additional materials. The exam lasts about 14 minutes and has four parts. Dec 12, 2019 download first fce speaking sample tests. Technology an example of the ielts speaking topics part 1 2 3 pdf.
Speaking with free pdf mock exam b2 first cambridge. Is it a good idea to have a health check at the doctors once a year. B i, on the other hand, am much less interested in team sports. Objective first practice test annette capel wendy sharp third edition.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a. B2 first fce is used as a schoolleaving exam at almost all educational levels secondary school, kv, gymnasium, higher education such as universities and universities of. Download cambridge speaking test preparation pack for ielts. Part 1 of the exam the interview is a good place to start because the learners have to talk about everyday topics, such as their. Mar 06, 2016 40 questions to help you prepare for the speaking test. Do remember that the second question is printed above the pictures in case you forget it. Complete fce speaking tests speaking tests fce cambridge. Do use high level vocabulary words for comparing and contrasting. If playback doesnt begin shortly, try restarting your device. Jul 21, 2014 this includes comments on the student performances in this video, and information on the format of the speaking test and how it is assessed. The sample tests on video are selected to demonstrate a range of nationalities and different levels of competence, and are premarked by a team of experienced assessors. Contents paper 1 reading 3 paper 2 writing 9 paper 3 use of english 11 paper 4 listening 16 paper 5 speaking 21 answer key and recording scripts 22.
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